
A film that I haven't seen and know pretty much nothing about, so why the picture? Well, I was recently made aware of something called EDC Pocket Tops, EDC standing for Every Day Carry. So what is an EDC Pocket Top? Well, it's a little spinning top that fits in your pocket and it would seem that these things are big business amongst men who haven't yet grown up and probably never will, i.e. 95% of the male population. These things can be pretty expensive with some coming in at more then £100 and the record for the longest spin is over 40 minutes which you've got to admit is pretty incredible. I would post a link to the Youtube video of this but it pretty much just shows a top that may or may not be spinning for 40 minutes - a bit like watching paint dry.

Anyways, I wasn't going to spend silly money on a small spinning top. I know I have a track record for spending money on useless items but even I have my limits but even so, here was an itch that had to be scratched. My answer was this top, based on a scene from the film 'Inception' and costing a princely £0.99 posted from China. The most amazing thing about this is not the top but the fact that someone in China can make these things, advertise them on eBay and post them to a buyer anywhere in the world for just £0.99 and make a profit. It's little wonder then that manufacturing in other parts of the world is struggling in the global economy.

Oh, and as for my top, I've managed 3 minutes so far. I'm going to polish it with brass. I think that will give me another 30 seconds and if that doesn't work, I may just have to buy the next model up and so the madness begins.

And should you want to window shop for an EDC Pocket Top of your very own, try here

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