
By jiana

Rape Field

In the morning, my daughter sent me a line message and asked me to pick up her daughter ( my granddaughter ) to  a nursery school at 5:00 in this afternoon.  Soon after that, my mother called me and asked me to pick up her because that she wants to go back to nursing home in day time. Both questions, I answered "Yes, of course."

This is how my busy day has started. On the way to my mother's home, I took a wrong road and broke into a cold sweat. At lunch time, my mother ordered expensive sushi and  complained about the taste. After lunch she asked me to put her great grand daughter's photo in her mobile phone. ( It took 30 minutes.) After taking her to a mursing home, I made dinner for my family and my daughter's, and went to my daughter's home with it. Terribly busy day, I was always moving.

This rape field bloomed along the road near my mother's  nursing home.
She complained that it blocked the street. But I think that it is just like rape field to do.

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