Flying Into The Cloud.

Today has been beautiful, very different from yesterday.

Early morning walk, breakfast and then to Aldi, to buy some books for Isabella.  There's never enough room in Aldi to look at things, and they're lay-out is a bit odd.  Anyway, got 5 books and they are a lot cheaper than elsewhere.

Then we went along to a baby massage session, in one of the rooms at the local library.  Isabella is probably a bit old for this by now.

Anyway, we got there, and waited, with 4 other mums.  We were just about to leave as the woman doing the session was over 10 minutes late!!  When she turned up we should have left then, I just knew she was going to be a disaster.

She waffled on, didn't bother to use her power point presentation, just read it all out.  Gave us a basic idea of what it was all about, but really she was there to drum up business for herself.  obviously she was going to charge for anymore sessions.

Next time we'll do the free one at the health clinic.

Came home, and decided to do a bit of gardening.  I was fiddling around trying to cut a sucker off the Night-Scented Stock, (it's nothing like the UK version, here it's a big bush with white flowers, but has a gorgeous smell at night too).  Suddenly, I felt two sharp pains. I'd been stung by wasps, one on the right thumb, one on the right breast.  You can imagine which one hurt the most!!

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