
By DavzoBroon


An early rise for me today up at 7.30am boiled egg with soldiers and a nice mug of tea.Then it was of to the doctors to get the results of my biopsy for that lump on my tongue,glad to say it was growth tissue so thats a relief,was put on tablets for my cholesterol it was up at 7 doc says it should be 4 or less so thats not so good.

Later in the morning i drove Hayley into uni to get some books for her summer school exam tomorrow so fingers crossed she does well in that,then we headed into hospital to visit Gavin who was looking really well today with some colour back in his cheeks,while he was getting his physio we took Cheryl out for lunch to this wee cafe round the corner baked potatoes all round and a couple of coffees it was absolutely beautiful,so this is the blip today cafe No39 second time ive used it and will be back tomorrow on first name terms with the owners now.

Wont need to go back in tonight gran and grandad visiting again so i will be off to drama tonight we start reading for panto,OH YES WE ARE!!!,and can you believe it yes the sun shone all day that makes a very welcome change:)

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