
-ing. I tried not to disturb their tender moment for too long. I still call them Väinö and Veikko (Finnish male names).

Today we visited the local Thursday market once again. We bought:
- one grilled chicken 7,5€
- 5 kg oranges 2€
- 2 kg potatoes 1€
- 0,5 kg cherry tomatoes 1€

In Finland if you buy food from the market it's quite likely to be more expensive than when bought form a grocery store. Here the opposite in most cases. Interesting.

Otherwise we've walked with the dogs, enjoyed life by the poolside and in the pool, read, ect. It's been a lovely hotish day with bright sunshine. From tomorrow we're expecting more clouds for 3 days, but it don't matter as the day maxims will rise up to 28°C (which is now less than first forecasted 31°C). But it will be hot enough :-)

Niklas and my parents got back from London (to Helsinki) last night. Niklas has now few days to rest and then he needs to start packing for Alicante!

So good day down here in southern Europe!

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