Looks like they survived Mara...

...after what passed for winter.

Remains to be seen what the assortment of resident moluscs think of them after they wake up.

It, finally, dawned on me why them over there.talk about "FAVA Beans".

A lad I once knew grew up in Mexico, thus earning the pseudonym "Mexican Pete" since Pete actually was his name.

However, one day were were on about how different languages deal with the same letter. One of his examples was that well known "Bilabial fricative" (Sp?) B/V apparently pronunciation was so similar that, during dictation, they had to ask ( As near as I remember after about 50 yrs) whether it was a "la V(ay) de vaca o la B(ay) de burro?"
I knew these were:-
"Vicia faba, also known as the broad bean, fava bean, faba bean, field bean, bell bean, English bean, horse bean, Windsor bean, pigeon bean and tic(k) bean, ..."

The defence rests Yer Onner.

STRANGE - I can manage a ¡ as well as a ! but can't do the same for ?

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