
By Alberta

Waiting dog...

What a day. Everything seemed to conspire to keep me off the internet .... and I realised that I had been working all day and not even thought about a photo..I have some of our Indian friends arriving tomorrow so I decided to go out to the shops to get some more food in as they are large guys and usually their wives cook a lot for them.. and on the way back I decided to drive through the Beeches to see if the light was interesting in the woods and I did take a couple of photos .. then I decided to drop into the garden centre in the hope of getting a hanging basket.. though they have usually sold out by now... however they had not.. "No-one buying in this weather! " he said... although today was warm and sunny... and all baskets were half price and on the way back to the car I saw this dog looking soulfully out of the window .. he reflected the way that I had felt during the day.. I wondered whether to approach as some dogs are left in their cars can be a bit fierce.. not this one.. He just kept looking soulfully out... So tussocktales if you are reading this.. this one is for you and I bet he 's never had the sort of life that you have.. !!

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