See it?

We upped a notch with our training today, The Carlisle Ladies set off to walk 10.5 miles but we walked 11 on the dot. We averaged a pace of 3.3 miles per hour which we think is pretty good going.

We chatted a little, well, a lot. It's amazing what you don't see when your driving all the places we walked today, over bridges, in the rivers, houses and lanes we didn't know existed. We stopped off for jelly babies which we bought some that weren't real. They were full of flour or icing or something, we should have paid for the proper ones but we managed to eat the cheaper ones with a vow never to buy them again.

On our travels I stopped to take this picture which I had no idea this was there but its amazing what you see when your walking and not driving.

I took this photo without my glasses so had no idea what it looked like. I had to look twice for the owl, can you see it?

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