
By LeeAnne


In advance... both to my Mum for talking about her vagina and to you lot for sharing too much info!

This card was waiting for me when I got home tonight... it made me belly laugh out loud. My friends know exactly how to tickle my filthy mind funny bone! Thank you Damnonni! X

If you've been paying attention, you'll know I've been having issues with one shoulder so I've been seeing an osteopath. After the first session a couple of months ago, it hurt so much that when I put my bra on it was unbearable so I took it off. That was the last time I wore a bra.

I don't think anyone has even noticed. I'm fortunate that gravity has been kind and whilst my knockers are enormous, they're exactly where they are supposed to be. However, today I had a conversation with someone and I suspect it was a tad on the chilly side and let's just say, said person wasn't looking at my face.

So I decided that perhaps it was time to drag out a bra for my work trip next week and popped into Bravissimo on the way home tonight. Now for the men amongst us, you actually have no idea how much it sucks stringing your tits up day in day out. Not only do we have to put up with periods, hormones and childbirth, we get to torture ourselves with wire filled contraptions to hold our tits up to save our knees on a daily basis. The wire digs in and sometimes pops out when you least expect it!

Well... after attempting to squish my massive bazongas into something resembling a vest top with secret support yes if you're a size zero with double A's and after I pulled back my now frizzy hair which was tangled in the straps, I decided that actually... my tits are fucking fabulous and if people want to stare at them then they can! Knock yourself out! I left without spending any money and bounced home!

Thanks for all the blip love yesterday.

Ray I'm thinking of you x

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