My chuffedness knoweth NO bounds.

As I keep SHOUTING, many a time and oft, it's part of the learning curve.

I cleared the area around the "Leek" (Iris Kavalergard) and the lone trillium, both of which we bought last year.
Both of which "went down" as you'd expect over winter. I was not best chuffed however about the way in which Kavalergard gave up the ghost, appearing to be more droughted to death prior to flowers opening.

This year both showed face, and in the process of clearing a patch with a view to a Blip, I accidentally tore off half a leaf.
As another section of the learning curve, akin to copy/paste and Content aware fill I wondered if I could put the leaf back to render it a little more acceptable came into play ... Thinks ... 
"What would happen if I .-.-.-.-.-?"
Behold the "Before and After" of the exercise..

Forward in time - 1 yr.

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