International Record Store Day

Our town doesn't have an independent record store anymore.  The closest one is an hour way in Taupo.  I am old enough to have played my first vinyl L.P's on my parents radiogram.  Before that I listened to my sisters 45's and 78's.  It was a big deal at Teachers College to have a cassette player and buy tapes.  At that time cars began to have cassette players also.  Next was a stereo with big speakers.  A decade later a friend had bought a C.D player and speakers.  We sat in the dark and listened to Chariots of Fire by Vangelis and were impressed by the clearness.  No hiss or hum and you didn't have to stand up and turn the record over.  Our first C.D had a small problem when the toddler tried to post his Lego in it before we had a unit made to house it.  At the same time we acquired a turntable from a friend.  His daughter had left it in his basement when she went overseas.  My iPod Classic is in working order and that is what I listen to most.  I'm not part of the streaming world, yet.
I dusted the turntable off today and played a few records to celebrate a time when flipping through the stacks of L.P's in a record store was a pleasure.

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