And Again

Some days I wake up and get out of bed on the wrong side. Today was one of those days.

From the start, my irritation levels were stoked by seeing the shattered glass still covering the patio after the replacement of a balcony screen above and which should have been swept up by the management yesterday;by the careless throwing of a shirt which now adorns the out of reach branches of a tree in my direct line of vision as I sit at my desk; by feeling extra cold while reading the paper and discovering the back door wide open to the 4 degrees of an Edinburgh spring morning; finding my old PIN number for my replacement M&S debit card not accepted and the hassle which that engendered.

To make matters worse, His Lordship is in an unusually cheery mood and is trying valiantly to imbue me with feelings of good will to all mankind. If it were only that easy.
However, getting out of the other side of the bed tomorrow should work.

The only difference in my two unfortunately successive flower blips is that the flowers in this one are artificial.

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