Cousin comfort

My lovely sister Alexandra and niece Thea came to stay last night to cheer us all up, Max made curry and we watched the rest of Hot Fuzz and Vikings, I was so touched that they came over to hug us and it really was a tonic. Alexandra was very fond of Gerry and took me to see him several times.

This morning she dropped me off at the home, Mum had slept well and had breakfast as usual, we video called Gerry's daughters and we were all very tearful, poor Mummy, I'm sure it made it more real hearing it from them as well as me... Anyway I got her smiling again before I left.

We had been bought tickets to the Rugby at Wembley today by Max's sister, her boyfriend Kevin's 3 daughters were going to be there and we have never met them so it seemed important to go so even though I really didn't feel like it after the last couple of days as you can imagine I went. I've never been to a game before and it was interesting to be there and lovely to see Jane as always but there was no real opportunity to meet Kevin's daughters who all sat in front of us and didn't seem to want to chat.
We left as soon as the game ended with Uncle Conal, it was also lovely to see him. I found the whole day very surreal but then I am exhausted and very tired which doesn't help.
Anyway the boys really enjoyed the match so that was good.
Back home I collapsed on the sofa and we watched some of Gangs of New York before I fell asleep in the sofa about 10.

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