Charlie is my darling

Charlie is a feather-footed Cochin bantam which means that instead of the usual upstanding tail feathers she has a rounded cushion of soft plumage, and feathers on her legs which give her a Chaplinesque baggy-trousered appearance. These birds, originally imported from China as part of the craze for exotic Chicken breeds in Victorian period, are quiet, gentle hens who make good mothers.

She went broody 3 weeks ago, sitting tight in a nestbox and unwilling to move. She had no eggs so I gave her four from the other hens and she has been firmly clamped on them for the past 21 days, refusing to get off so that I had to I lift her away bodily a couple of times a day.

Now Charlie has two babies nestling under her plumage. Two of the eggs have not hatched and I think it's too late for them now. But Charlie is a proud mother and I will have to do my best to raise the hatchlings with frequent small meals and every possible protection from two excited young cats who are eager to make short work of the tiny fluffballs.

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