
By Maisiebeth

Chirk Castle

I've never been a great one for ornate period furniture, but every now and then, something comes along to take your breath away.
The above is a Cabinet made around 1640, from ebony and silver with oil paintings on copper (more details)
It is about 4ft across and the workmanship is just exquisite. One version of its use is as a secret alter as when the whole thing is closed up, it looks just like a fancy cupboard. It is only when open you see the fabulous artwork depicting religious scenes and all the amazing silver work.
The guide told me that the NT tried to sell it a few years ago, but the government wouldn't grant an export licence for it to go abroad, so it remains at Chirk. No official figures are available, but apparently there was talk of at least an 8 figure sum!
The extra is the view of the castle from the grounds, but ladies or gents of a nervous disposition, please look away now.

Dramatic and Dangerous Places to Photograph for the Terminally Unfit and Navigationally Challenged

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