Where the bee sucks...

Another gorgeous spring day! Pete and I spent the morning at his Mum's, discussing the details of her funeral (again!) though as she's now decided she'd like to be around for her 90th birthday in just over a year, we're hoping that there's no immediate rush. I think she feels happy to know that everything's planned and will be carried out precisely according to her wishes!!

I spent much of the afternoon just enjoying the garden, a rare treat. The bench that Alex made me for Christmas is perfectly placed to catch the afternoon sun at this time of year. It's on the edge of the orchard, and when I sit on it I'm surrounded by wild flowers - today I could see primroses, cowslips, early dog-violets, red dead-nettle, ivy-leaved speedwell, alexanders and the blue flowers of this green alkanet - rather rampant but much loved by bees such as this common carder. Soon it will be the turn of the cow parsley, red campion, ramsons, bluebells, sweet woodruff and bugle underneath garlands of perfumed apple blossom. My own little corner of paradise!

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