Getting a grip.

Tonight it was the twin ambitions of re-testing my calf (I know you never get bored of reading about it) and trying out the Bare Grips that I procured from Iain W as part of his Stateside clear out. Do you want the good news, or the good news? Well, the calf is on the mend I think. Tomorrow morning will tell me more but tonight's run was okay. However, I'm desperately running-unfit, or it at least feels that way. No speed, endurance or stamina it seems. I've already mentally written off my participation in some forthcoming races unless I make some speedy improvements. Now to the shoes. They are a half size bigger than I usually wear in Inov-8s, but snug enough and at first they feel crazily exposed and without protection until you get used to them. The lugs are massive and incredibly grippy. Definitely a racing shoe and ones for when you're feeling light on your feet and good about your running. Orlando Edwards wore them when winning the Carnethy 5 in 2014 (I think?) and, thinking about the relative lack of sharp rocks on that course, I can see they would be a good shoe for a race like that.

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