A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

It's not what you know

I'm not sure Catering exactly falls under my brother's actual job description here at the hospital but he is certainly doing a good job. This morning he turned up with bacon sandwiches for us all and coffees for me and him. Apparently when we leave we will be asked to complete a satisfaction form which includes a slightly oddly worded question on whether we would recommend the hospital to others. Mustn't let the bacon sarnies bias our answer.

So a not too bad night after all. The plus side of us being last to get a bed yesterday was that we ended up in a ward on our own. And one of the nurses was so magic she managed to take the midnight and 2am bloods without waking J and with the others he only half roused and then went straight back. By about 5.45am we were both more awake than asleep so lay around chatting for a bit before the hospital started to come to life around 7am. I am sure had there been others in here with lots of other noises and presumably having tests on different schedules it would have been a much less pleasant experience. As it was I think we are both happy to file it under slightly odd but not entirely unpleasant adventure. I'm now going have to ponder what else might be in that particular file...

We're here until about 4pm and then I think home for not much more than dinner and bed so this bacon sandwich is possibly the highlight of my day. Oh, and the coffee was very good too.

News from J...when they flush the cannula with saline to clean it out it apparently feels like drinking, as if you have a mouth on your hand. And he has found the whole thing fascinating and it seems to have piqued a medical interest. I can but hope.

Other than that it's mainly talk of aliens and whether they are so advanced they view us like we view worms and would either ignore us, step on us or cut us up for experiments.

Lesley x

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