Garage Cat

Another chicken morning! Only one other person on the allotment , she gave the girls the Swiss Chard she was digging up and I made her a cup of tea! Discovered the tap on my water butt had split  ( or rather it split as I tried to turn the tap and wash the mugs! Another thing on tomorrows mundane shopping list! I did my usual dandelion flower elimination - I really wonder why I am expending time and energy doing this when the rest of the allotment is covered in them and so will be seeding on my plot anyway! I will try to resist next visit! I also cleared 2 paths, and again wondered why I did that rather than dig another bed! But the paths do look good! It's rather like cutting the lawn or making ones bed - makes everything else look so much neater!
Feeling rather than less inspired by the photos I had taken of dandelions and Hawthorne / Blackthorn - I can never get 2 things the right way round, most annoying! - I decided it was time to blip the garage cat! I just love it in it's bag! The old lady whose land the garage is on and who  lived next door had 2 cats, and he bought her this cat and another which sits on the other gate post. When she died he got the real cats and her house and his cat gifts! One is now dead but the other ginger cat is still going strong, liking to drape itself over his shoulder as he chats to his customers! 
Home to make lunch from my freshly delivered food box and to discover Prince had died - so shocked and saddened. The general consensus seems to be " What the hell is going on?" So many well known people dying and many still relatively young. It makes me think of Friend and how she is reacting to all this - taking her for chemo tomorrow so will see if she raises the subject. It's become very difficult to talk about her situation,she does not talk about it often, just to how she is coping physically. It's like the elephant in the room no one mentions. Not knowing if this is her coping mechanism or because she doesn't want to burden others means I tread carefully.  Just have to listen carefully and try to gauge how she is feeling by how she looks and acts. Maybe once the cat is out of the bag it is hard to put it back.   

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