Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Look Mummy a 'nail

Last day in reception for Carys and it started out very wet indeed. She spent the morning in her new class with her new teacher and finally was able to tell me who is and isn't in her class.

William and I had planned to go to the zoo but changed to the playsoft. We spent all morning chasing around, had lunch and then played a bit more.

A last day of the year tradition at Carys's school is for everyone to head to pinehills field after school and play and picnic. So off we went and we are British so we stayed despite the rain. Both kids had a great time and C didn't want to come home.

This monster snail was found by W on the way home. It was the size of his fist and heading alond the railway bridge. So after his photo shoot Mr Snail was moved to a place of safety, before we continued our journey home.

Two tired kids in bed by 18.15, W asleep by 18.20, C awake but quiet. Jim in London catching up with old friends who now live in Oman. I don't expect much sense from him when he gets home!

My Race for Life 10k on Sunday has been postponed due to the weather! It is a mostly road race, but apparently the car park area i the issue. Rather laughably the forecast for Sunday is for 22degrees. I think we'll have a family trip to the zoo instead. As I'm not racing now I think a glass of white is called for.

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