Great Langdale Beck

This blip is not hugely representative of my day as I spent a good chunk of it travelling home by train, but it is by far my best offering.

I left Langdale in warm sunshine. Another cloudless sky and still air produced wonderful reflections on the nearby beck. The weather deteriorated as I headed south however and it has drizzled continuously since I arrived in Hertford. Whilst the garden has sprouted and bloomed massively in only 4 days, the general wetness did not inspire photography.

The kids are boarding tonight so Peter and I went to a newly refurbished pub for dinner: The Cowper Arms. It's been very tastefully done with a couple of open fireplaces, exposed beams and a variety of different seating areas. But the food was ... frankly weird! I have a sweet tooth but when I order garlic dough balls I don't expect sweet garlic doughnuts. Yuk! Nor do I want an incredibly sweet waffle with confit of duck. What was the chef thinking?

I've almost caught up on everyone's journals and the rest will be done tomorrow I promise. After a very exciting but tiring few days I am re-inspired and full of enthusiasm for my training, but right now I need my sleep.

Just time for Philosophy Friday:
Get excited and enthusiastic about your own dream. This excitement is like a forest fire. You can smell it, taste it and see it from a mile away. - Denis Waitley

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