Parrot tulip mono

What a difference a day makes ! The meds the doctor prescribed yesterday are truly working at lessening the pain. They're a bit harsh on the stomach , but I'm mobile again ! I do realise that it's not a long term solution, but for now and the upcoming holidays it's a blessing, at least so far (knocking on wood while I'm typing this).  We've just come back to Belgium tonight, to unpack and pack again before we leave for our annual break in Perthshire on Sunday.

My Blip image today is a mono of one of the parrot tulips I got from the supermarket in The Netherlands yesterday. This one is soft pink with green patches and lovely, but I thought a mono would show the frilly edges better. For Flower Friday with huge thanks to BikerBear, our FF host.

I really have to thank everybody who viewed, gave comments, stars and faves to Tuesday's bluebell image again, it's on page 1 of the Popular pages today, thanks to all of you ! And of course thanks for your support for yesterday's Blip.

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