A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Back to the river

I think I may be getting a little dull with my river views and am contemplating giving myself a shake up. But for now here it is, and it was either this or my partially successful brioche buns inspired by SooB. The kids were as kind / unpicky as ever about my baking but in truth whilst they are edible they are definitely in the "could do better" bucket.

Today has been mainly efficient...long dog walk along the river, an empty washing basket, roast dinner, tidied garden, birthday present bought for a party Anna is going to tomorrow, food for lunch boxes bought. We have given in to the emotional blackmail that in nice weather Anna will be eating separately from her packed lunch mates if we insist on her continuing with school dinners. She has written a list of all sorts of food in various categories to make decision making for both her and us easier. Though allegedly it will just be her as she is determined she will make them all herself. We shall see...

Fun time this afternoon playing in the garden with Albi for all of us. J pushed it a bit far and had a mini crash for 4 hours afterwards but when he came round reckoned the fun had been worth it. It is much less stressful when he crashes now that we think we know what is going on but it is still so very hard to see. And of course so much harder for him to go through. With a fair wind this coming week could see our follow-up appointment and an even fairer wind, some answers.

Lesley x

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