Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


Don't be fooled by the sunshine its bitterly cold with the north westerly wind. I turned around to see the dogs looking out on top of Cnoc Glas. They look so well it makes me happy. A quieter day with no new lambs and no calves I wish they would get on with it. Had to lift an older twin from the hill park this morning it cant be getting enough milk as it was cold and hungry. A feed and some time under the heat lamp and he's soon perked up. I have put him in the pet lamb pen its clear that mum hasn't enough milk for two. The grass has been stunted by the cold wind. I am still feeding with big rations to the ewes to try to keep them right but really its good grass that brings the milk on. The rest of the lambs look fine and end up in a big mob at the feeding, I will try and get some photos of the motley crew. 
I have managed to break a second kettle out in the shed so have had to order a new one. Gone for a stainless steal catering kettle hopefully it will last a bit better. I use them to make up the lambs milk. So now I'm trundling backwards and forward from the shed to the house with hot water until it arrives.

6c 25mph NW sunshine and showers

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