Retirement minus 5 days - Song Thrush

“…and ‘tis our fast intent
To shake all cares and business from our age,
Conferring them on younger strengths, while we
Unburdened crawl towards death.” (King Lear, act 1, sc.1)

Given it is Shakespeare's birthday this week I thought a quote from the Bard appropriate today. I am not sure of the context but I would not intend it to be read as a depressing piece. I quite liked the notion of leaving the cares of work to others whilst retirees can simply do whatever we want without worrying about timescales and timetables. So this is my retirement thought today.

Been in the study all day working on the lecture and getting there. I spotted this song thrush (I do hope I am right) in both the back garden and the front and have used it as my main pic as its the first time I have taken this bird. The extra was one of a number of birds I saw in the front whilst working and I quite liked the sun on the one I choose. Others will go on Instagram and Flickr.

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