
By iaint

yellow brick road...

Well, not bricks. Gravel, probably spoil from one of the local marble quarries. But the same idea.

Another good run this morning, and before breakfast. Even before coffee. What energy! And had a big dinner with wine, Calvados & Armagnac on Friday night. Hmmm. Maybe that's the secret.

I felt good once I'd warmed up, and managed about 6km.

I also solved a riddle. Last time I ran this route I found a kind of crop circle - see link.

crop circles

Today I discovered that the green bit is wheat in the middle of a barley field. The barley ripened before the wheat, but now both are ripe. Farmer must have mixed up the seed bags! Schnapps after lunch, maybe.

Not sure how the weather's going to turn out. I suspect sunshine & showers with about 20°c. The locals will be grumpy and moan about autumn coming early. I'll be delighted, because it's warmer than Scottieland and the rain isn't pi**ing down.

The Blip is my route home through the fields. Looks like an idyllic pastoral paradise. Behind me was the Audi manufacturing complex - hectares of industry.

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