Darkness over Mote Park

A good old day. Spent the morning preparing for and chairing a teleconference with people from all over the country. Certainly a cheaper way than getting them all together in one place and probably just as effective.

Pleasant lunch out with old school friend John, catching up over the past 6 months or more which have been traumatic and pleasuble for him and his wife. His father-in-law had been very frail for some time and had needed a lot of care. He died earlier this month, but on the plus side they'd had a 7 week trip to Australia and New Zealand.

Did a bit of work for an upcoming visit to a prison in South Wales on Thursday the played the ukulele for a while.

Susan was out with her mother in Canterbury all day, it was almost dark by the time she arrived back. But we managed a walk in the gathering gloom which provided some interesting photographic opportunities. This shot was taken at around 9.00pm, using the night function. The billowing clouds really were white against the dark sky, a very unusual effect.

Enjoyed egg sandwiches when we got home.

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