
Think boule is the name here in France but with an accent. They just could have cared less that some woman was there with a camera aimed at them. And I love the clothes racket for jackets. This in Luxembourg gardens. Stilly plenty chilly if you were not playing!

(Headed to the famous Islamic mosque and indeed lovely with all the gardens and tiles and sense of peace. Then a goose chase to get a photo of the one still standing men's outdoor urinal but that seems to be no more. Onward to lovely sections all in the 14th not found but still lots of lovely to take in. To the Cemetierre Montparness and then through Luxembourg Gardens, then into St Sulpice church which is bigger inside than Notre Dame and finally wind my way home from there. A big loop of 10 miles for sure. Still cold but no rain since I carried a parapluie all day)

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