...may be necessary, but is never an enjoyable job.

There is a subtle sliding scale of price rules for this operation:

The cheaper the instrument the higher the price. The corner-cutting use of cheap materials & uncooperative glues & varnishes - plus the likelihood of unpleasant surprises puts the price so high it's usually way above the value the instrument!

This is a mid-range Spanish-built classical type which gets a mid-range price. in this case the fingerboard came away from the table quite nicely.
Then, cutting down through the heel, my saw encountered metal :o#
BF&I was called for (Brute Force & Ignorance) oh yeah - quite a bit of rebuilding to do, but well within the budget.

The best by far is the vintage Martin or Gibson type when the glue responds to heat & steam - everything comes apart in a friendly fashion - & because of the value of the instrument the price is extra high - (insurance against f**k ups)!

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