Winter Wonderland

Thank you for the generous sprinkling of stars and hearts yesterday. We had a bit more of an adventure today than we had planned. It is my husband's birthday and we thought we would have an easier walking day. After doing a 3 mile walk around Grasmere and no chance of getting out the camera as it was pouring with rain, we decided to take another bus to Keswick. The road is closed at the moment due to the storms in December 2015 but they are letting buses through on a single carriage track. We got there OK but it soon started snowing heavily. We decided to take the next bus back to Grasmere. It was touch and go whether they were going to allow the bus to continue at the point in this blip. In the end a security health and safely van lead the way and our bus followed as we had a nice meal planned for the evening, we didn't fancy getting stranded in damp clothes in Keswick which was mooted at one point, or alternatively driving over 100 miles in the bus via the motorway. The extra shows a snowy mountain, Helvellyn, out of a dripping bus window.

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