Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Day 7 Haltwhistle WINTER Walking Festival

Today the long walk was from Allendale to a place called Shorngate Cross, a cairn by the roadside on the boundary between the counties of Northumberland and Durham. The route was almost entirely on the moor tops, with no shelter.

Down below it rained on and off, but on the tops we had to contend with driving sleet and snow. When the snow eased off, the views were wonderful. It was almost impossible to have any stops, because people became cold so very quickly.

At lunchtime, we split into small groups and hunkered down in the butts for the grouse shooters. I was sharing with 5 others. The butt was open to the elements and I can honestly say that I have rarely, if ever, had lunch in a more uncomfortable place.

Here is Chris, one of my fellow prisoners, one of the other walkers, enjoying his sandwich.

We walked for 12.8 miles and made good time.

Tonight was the Social Evening attended by 70. We had a superb buffet followed by a quiz. I sorted the room into teams by giving them different job titles to mime. They had find the others with the same job. We had cricketers, skiers, lollipop people, chorus girls, jugglers, trapeze artists, priests, lorry drivers, junior doctors, baristas and I've forgotten the last group for the moment. (I am tired.)

It was great fun. One group won the quiz hands down. I wasn't  in a team, but was mortified at how few answers I knew. (Too much modern music and soap operas for my liking, but the Geography was hard, as was the General Knowledge.)

I'm leading tomorrow so need a good night's sleep.

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