Are these bagels, bagels?

Dave wasn't sure the bagels I made yesterday qualify as bagels and perhaps not given the definition below. But they did taste good!   I am still in hiding with my disfigurement.  I went to the doctor though and he has prescribed three days of steroid pills which do work on allergies so fingers crossed I am more pleasant to look at tomorrow.

Wikipedia: A bagel is a bread product originating in Poland traditionally shaped by hand (TICK) into the form of a ring (HMMM QUESTIONABLE) from yeasted wheat dough  (TICK) , roughly hand-sized  (TICK) , which is first boiled for a short time in water  (TICK)  and then baked  (TICK) . The result is a dense, chewy, doughy interior with a browned and sometimes crisp exterior. Bagels are often topped with seeds baked on the outer crust, with the traditional ones being poppy, sunflower (TICK) or sesame seeds. 

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