
Today was Valborg. It's a Swedish holiday when you are supposed to go and watch a huge bonfire, listen to choirs singing and someone giving a speech to greet Spring. If you have a white student cap, you should put it on. And then, typically, there are fireworks. I don't have a white cap (phew!) and I don't like fireworks, so we didn't go.

I snoozed through some daytime TV with celebrations of the King's seventieth birthday. Mum claimed our children A and J were somewhere in the crowd, but it was impossible to spot them so I gave up.

On my evening walkie, we met my friend Stina the Tibetan spaniel. We meet and greet, and then we just hang together. No playing. It's different but rather nice too. Her mum has very nice treats, and if I sit nicely and tilt my head, I nearly always get some! Irresistible, she says I am.

The apricot tree now definitely has a green bud! It's alive!

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