Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

May Day Blipmeet

Gorgeous day in the NW. In the 80s. Got the morning ferry and made a stop in Bellingham... First to deliver the sailing dinghy boom to the fellow who bought it .. Hard to believe that we 3 sailors looked at this and didn't notice that the boom was left behind at the island. now what is that telling us?
The treat for us was to be invited for a lovely lunch with blippers Connections ( if you want to see the "other side of the table,"click on Connections. Below, . My iPad doesn't want to do the proper link!) and pilipo In their home.... Yummy tuna and smoked salmon, fresh cheeses and fresh produce from the farmers market that Connections loves. Thank you!!!
Lots of May Day demonstrations for workers tonight in Seattle....hope they stay peaceful.

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