Roots and Wings

“There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots; the other, wings.”  - W. Hodding Carter II

I'd add that we do need to teach them how to grow and fly too or these bequests might not be enough.

For MonoMonday with the theme 'Wings' set by our new host Nickimags888 with thanks to her for taking on this hosting and judging job.

I'm home alone, husband is working in Fife today (in the middle of his holiday!!) so making do with a tiny branch from my bouquet and two tiny feathers dug out of one of the pillows ;-) See the original in the extra, cropped it, changed it to sepia in NIK Silver Efex and then inverted it in PS Elements.

Thanks very much for your comments and stars for yesterday's peony heart :-)

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