Confused yet:)..?

By Angelabc2378

Are You Lying Comfortably???

Hehehehe....Tonight I got home from work, leaving wedding number 3 in full swing, and was greeted by a crazy hyper active murphy.....
I left Scott in his capable hands... him in Scott's capable hands again today... which I worried slightly about as yesterday he decided to go AWOL for about 10mins...murphy, not he had a great time, walking, peeing, eating, peeing some more, and sleeping.....He, like most dogs, seems to be a specialist at the old snoozing melarchy, apparently not surfacing from bed till midday!!!!

Anyway, after a very enthusiastic welcome home...and parading about the house with his recently murdered stuffed toy...all you dog owners will know what I'm talking about....the stuffed toy that you bought him, that gets mauled every night during the crazy possessed killer canine routine...usually at dusk.... THIS is what I am left with....hehehehe...

A snoring contorted dog.....hehehe......but I do love him with all my heart!!!!!

" Outside of a dog, a book is a mans best friend.....Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read "

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