Confused yet:)..?

By Angelabc2378

Sorry Mum!!!!!

This was Mruphy trying to look sorry and loveable at 7:30am this morning.....
Not only did he wake me at 6:30, but then, after being let out for a quick pee...and pulling the wool over my eyes with his butter wouldn't melt, that that was all he intended on doing....he decided to ignore my dulcet calls of his name....followed after 40 minutes by enraged roars... to go on a wee mini Murphy adventure!!!!!

Yes, he legged it off, not to be seen again for the next 45minutes.....picture it, me traipsing through the field, in my dressing gown!!!...grrr

Eventually, I ended up taking the car out and found him merrily paddling in the Tay....approximately 1/2 mile from the house!!!!....grrrrr...truth be told, I was relieved that he was okay, but still furious as I'm slightly exhausted!!!!

" What is it about dogs that makes us believe by wagging their tails and looking so lovable, that they will never ever do anything but what we ask of them?????
When really they have planned a major conspiracy!!!!!!!!!!!

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