En route to Sheffield

I snapped this from the car as S and I were on our way to Awesome Walls.  We did some good routes and I was very pleased with how my shoulder held up, but then S fell off a route he was really pushing himself with.  He only fell about two feet but his confidence in me took a bashing because he'd shouted me to 'take in' and I thought I had done... but unfortunately not quite fully and then he couldn't hold on any longer.  He really let rip at me, but I can't blame him at all as I should have yanked the rope in more forcefully.  It's still a steep learning curve for me and very sobering.  But he doesn't stay angry for long, and we called at the Holly Bush in Makeney on the way back for a relaxing half - London Pride, one of my favourites.

p.s. I suppose you may wonder why I'm owning up publicly, but it was the most important thing to happen today and I needed to record it.

p.s. the next time I saw S he admitted that he'd over-reacted a little.

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