
It was raining this morning so I decided to put my visit to the Downs off until Friday, instead I went out to the local 'Bluebell woods' to get a few shots before they are all over for yet another year :-( I have included one of the shots I like best in my extras. 
As I was driving along the road I noticed this alien Spanish bluebell growing right next to our lovely native bluebells. Horrified I screeched to a halt! Having taken a few shots I wondered if I should pull it up, and asked a lady walking her dog what she thought. Her response was "any bluebell is better than no bluebells" I am not sure I agreed, so I said I would contact the local wildlife trust and ask their opinion - I still think I shall pull it up....if I can it is very vigorous, and as you can see from my shot VERY close to the native bluebells! I will keep you informed.
I have also added a shot of the run over Early purple orchid I gave to my Mum, as you can see it is coming out very nicely, so at least it wasn't totally wasted!

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