Supervising Again!

Hello Blipfriends!
Dolly here today!

Mum landed back from San Francisco yesterday afternoon but she ran a couple of errands on the way before picking me up. Then she stayed for a cup of tea and she and my dogsitter talked and talked and talked. I was ready to go home!! By the time we got there it was bedtime and so that's what we did.

Which made THIS morning's early start very difficult! But we did it. And why? Because FINALLY we were getting the painting finished after the repair was done to the wall last week. These are the LAST bits, I hope, from our big kitchen makeover last year.

The man who came today did all the remaining painting AND he put in a new light for the utility room. It was a good thing I was there to supervise it all.

Mum spent quite a bit of time on the computer again today. I thought she was working, but she told me she was researching ANOTHER little holiday for us! It seems my pet passport is going to come in useful after all!

But it's not a plane, is it, Mum? Remember - no planes!!

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