I went out into the garden in search of something for Tiny Tuesday and whilst taking photographs of my Clematis Montana buds, noticed that in places the plant had been eaten - something had enjoyed chomping on the buds and leaves.

Then I found this little snail - and as beautiful as it is, I am afraid it went on a long journey over the fence - onto Council land, I might add, not into our neighbours’ garden!

Spent much of yesterday in bed and asleep, so I obviously needed it after my busy Sunday - but then was up until 2.00 a.m. as I was wide awake.

The song “O Rest in the Lord”  from the Oratorio Elijah by Mendelssohn, has been going round in my head - sung here by my favourite English contralto, Kathleen Ferrier, who sadly died from cancer in 1953, at the age of 41. I guess I have to be more patient and do what the song says!

O rest in the Lord, wait patiently for Him, 
and He shall give thee thy heart's desires: 
Commit thy way unto Him, and trust in Him; 
and fret not they self because of evil doers. 
O rest in the Lord, wait patiently for Him, 
wait patiently for Him; 
From Psalm 37 

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