First Tomato Bed, Up and Running

We're trying a new set-up this year--the old wooden bed finally rotted out so we switched to this man-made material. Hope it won't warp, and it sure won't rot! There are eight plants snug in their bed: six New Girls, a Sungold cherry, and a BumbleBee cherry. I put the last plant in this morning and I swear they have already grown some. We've got last year's hay down for a mulch, and the drip is in, but we still have to get the cages out from the cellar and stake them around the plants. They'll grow to five or even six feet tall, so they need big sturdy cylindrical wire structures. None of those little conical cages for these big boys. 

I'm rambling on about tomatoes, but I'm so sad and preoccupied. I just found out this morning that a dear friend of forty years has taken a turn for the worse since her stroke earlier this year. She won't be here much longer, and knowing this has let loose such a flood of memories. We weren't as close these past few years, but her presence right now in this room is very strong. 

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