Gitama's World

By Gitama

Coming in for Land

I wanted Flynn to meet the Pelicans....especially 'cause besides him and Rumi they are my favorite things at the moment...of course there's Jaiya and and and........

We got to the special spot but nothing there except for a few straggler seagulls...then we spotted them .............All in all they really put on a spectacular show for the little man (who loved them).

There was a kind of Ballet with all their beaks puffed up floating around in circles...then there was a bit of a fight........and we counted at one time 14 of them...flapping and flying and doing all sorts of wonderful things.

When I am watching the Pelicans there is a funny feeling that comes over's
like an overwhelming emotion...a swelling of the heart somewhat....a bit like falling in love.

I was still in this space when I saw the most beautiful light coming though the clouds...I grabbed my camera and was happy snapping away when a fellow came toward me asking me if I would like it if he followed me home and took some pictures......I apologised and told him that I was only taking photos of the sunset and had not intention to invade his privacy...he then proceeded to tell me to F**K OFF.....charming. Perhaps it was the lovely space I was in that I didn't retaliate....well only to say that there is no way I would ever want tot take photos of him anyway...but I felt pretty good on the drive home that I didn't loose it all over him........I could of been the Pelicans or perhaps i'm getting a bit more mellow in my older age.

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