Fun and Games

There is nothing like having a student granddaughter for lunch to make one feel as old and out of the loop as is possible.

After the necessary catching up on degree news ( two years of an economics degree successfully finished, with two still to go), we deviated on to the discussion of silly apps from the Internet, which ladies growing old disgracefully would do well to ignore but which I didn't, hence the ridiculous blip of the day.

I was also introduced to 'Snapchat' which seems to be a way of sending an infinite number of selfies to other signees without cluttering up their computer memory, as the picture when opened only lasts a maximum of 10 seconds before spiralling off into the ether.

None of you need worry though that dozens of unflattering selfies of LadyFindhorn will be gracing your laptops, since the only people that I know who have this teenager app are the aforementioned granddaughter and her Mum, daughter #3, as well as my sister -in -law, no doubt signed up in similar circumstances by her grandson.

Still it produced much hilarity, mainly because my brain turns to jelly when confronted with a computer savvy student with nimble brain and nimble fingers trying to tell me what to do.

I'm off to practise my selfie taking- best to hold the camera as high as possible to eliminate the double chins.

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