
By SilverImages

Capelhinos, Faial, Azores

“Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.” 
Terry Pratchett, Jingo

'The Capelinhos is a monogenetic volcano located on the western coast of the island of Faial in the Azores' says Wikipedia, so there.  That doesn't begin to describe the experience and presence of this great lump of new land that emerged from the depths in the eruptions of 1957/58.  Over a period of ten months a few extra square kilometres of land was created out of "nothing".  Since then some of it has disappeared back into the depths again, but what's left is a reminder of the nature of the world in which we live.  The islands of Azores lie on a fault in the Earth and are therefore subject to earthquakes and volcanic activity.  Interesting thought for the day, I'm 2 years older than the land in this photo.

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