Looking Forward...

By Fiono


A game of Nukemball is a standard activity at an SU Camp, especially at Lendrick Muir with its own dedicated court. It's a bit like Volleyball except you catch the ball, underarm throws only and team members are knocked out by failing to catch/throw the ball accordingly. When we first heard the Olympics were coming to London a few of us thought we should get a campaign started to make it the new sport the host nation gets to introduce. Sadly, I'm afraid it's going to be women's boxing instead.

This rather amusing action shot was taken during an intense game between junior music campers and leaders. We were outnumbered 2:1 but we managed to beat them anyway. Peter is our music director at junior camp but was also one of our key Nukemball players today as we took a break from rehearsals. We had great fun imitating some of the (female) camper's screams as the ball flew towards them.

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