Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

The Beautiful Monarch

Last month, Son whacked all the weeds off the hill behind our house. I held my tongue, but was distraught, as all the Milkweed was now laid low! I felt terrible, as Milkweed is the sustanence of Monarch Butterflies.

Just last week, I noticed that a large crop of Milkweed reappeared where the plants had been chopped down. Not only did it come back, but it seems there is even more there than previously!

And then it happened....

While looking out the window at the Milkweed, I saw two Monarchs! I quickly grabbed my camera, fearful I would miss the duo, but fortunately, they remained! It was awesome watching their movement.....landing on the Milkweed for a sip of refreshment, then dancing a duet into the atmosphere. Suddnely, they would reappear, to my delight!

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