Kendall is here

By kendallishere

AAPRP Breakfast Program

The breakfast program run by the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party, led locally by Ahjamu Umi, is now over a year old. The program held its first awards presentation this morning, with prizes for all the participants. Ahjamu, Jamilah, and other local members of the AAPRP provide breakfast and education centered on African people at Columbia International Cup coffee house in northeast Portland. 

Here Brian, who owns and operates the coffee shop, congratulates one of the participants. Brian has made his coffee shop a true center for community building and community-centered activities, and his love and concern for the children is visible to them and to all of us. Full description of the program and its purposes and antecedents is here.

Extras are Ahjamu and Jamilah, who, along with Brian, make the program possible.

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