... well sort of!!!

The object of our Blip meet at isbi's kind offer to spend the night last night on their farm (see extra at day break this morning) was to be up at "sparrows 3:30am this morning and head to a high point in chase of seeing this meteor shower!!????

At one point later yesterday we thought it would be all off, with the Rural Fire boys and girls making the most of what were perfect conditions for our expedition, they were also perfect for some quite extensive burn offs right through the Blue Mountains. From the Mountains right to the centre of Sydney there were thick layers of smoke.
Thankfully it cleared "sort of" for our shoot this morning, it did offer some different effects.

This is my first real attempt at star/milky way shots and seems I have a "long way" to go!!! 

However, it is a start, and wanted to brag that at least there is just one VERY faint meteor up in the top left corner in this shot. We did see a handful but nothing like the expected "many"!!?? Oh well, let's hope one day down the track it may come again.....

Thanks very much to Adrienne (isbi) and John for their kind hospitality we all had a superb time. Thanks also to Gemax, 59, Trisharooni for the fun.

STOP PRESS... have a look at isbi's shots - will go to her "class" next time!!

Been a very LOOOOOONG day so catch up tomorrow!

Enjoy and have a look in LARGE at that little ole meteor!

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