The second half of life..

By twigs

Autumn twins

The day of major filing and sorting......

H-u-g-e pile of paper to throw away, though with so much personal stuff from so many years I feel I would prefer to shred it or burn it.  Until this glorious weather changes though, there won't be any fires lit for a while so burning may not work.  It occured to me today (as I stood outside in shorts and a light cotton shirt) that we are just 6 weeks away from mid-winter . . . . . it feels like a million miles away though :)

Went to watch the 1st XV play today - a solid effort but not the result they would have hoped for.  Still, they were playing one of the stronger teams in the competition and there were parts of the game when they certainly bettered the opposition.

These leaves are on one of the 4 cherry trees that grace the main quad.  They add such variety to the quad throughout the year - naked and skeletal over winter, standing dormant, waiting for the flow of life to rise back through their limbs; in spring they dress up in their best pink finery and flaunt themselves to the world for just a week or two before summer's modesty turns their delicate pink gowns to sensible green cloaks and they take on a more serious role of carers to those who seek shelter from the sun.  Then to autumn when they perform their striptease, slowly shedding their summer cloak and readying to once again stand naked and skeletal.

There's a photo-essay in there I think!

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